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MIB Files: Thule and Vril

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The Thule and Vril aren't really aliens at all, but are separate civilizations on Earth that have isolated themselves and live undergroud. They share a lot of similarities. A lot like cousins, or even siblings in a way. So much so that I'm condensing them into one file here. I'll expand more on the differences later. One thing to note is there may be remnants of groups referred to as the "Thule Society" and "Vril Society", but they're not called that at all. Just Thule and Vril.

The tales out there of the Vril channeling information from Aliens on how to build ships was just the story they were telling people to protect who they really were and where their technology came from. From what I understand, they were trying to help everyone out on the surface, but still weren't too sure about them. After all, they were in the middle of a massive war at the time.

They're Nordic looking. All blonde haired and blue eyed. The only real variation between them other than facial structure and small differences in body type is their hair and eyes might be slightly different shades lighter or darker.

The language they speak is close to Norwegian. Thule and Vril each speak what's considered different languages from each other, but they're mostly mutually intelligible. They have a third language that loosely translates to "common tongue" that they use when they're collaborating with each other.

Their history goes back to around the Atlantis days and may have been some of the first refugees from that disaster. Those are old records, but they're still considered fact to them and not just stories like the surface. The strange thing about Atlantis though is while it's mentioned in their records, they haven't been able to actually find it when they went looking for it. Their entire history is unclear to them, but it goes back longer than regular surface history.

Due to their isolation from surface society and the fact that they themselves follow a non intervention policy for the surface, a similar protocol for aliens is adopted when dealing with them. That's starting to change though, because they realize what happens on the surface also affects them. They're also basically native inhabitants here too, even though they've separated themselves.

One thing that lacks clarification is why exactly they've isolated themselves to live underground for so long. One thought is that the Atlantis disaster was so destructive and traumatic that they just felt the need to hunker down to feel safe.

Another idea is that they just wanted to stay out of the way of what was going on the surface for whatever reason, but it wasn't due to war. Like they knew we'd be trouble, so they stayed away. The theme of living underground like that is pretty ingrained into their culture, but after so long it starts to seem nonsensical. Especially after gradual exposure to what's been happening on the surface.

Each of them have a few bases all over the world. They are varying in population, size, construction, and depth. They both have something like a "main hub" that's deeper than the rest of them. Approximately 15 miles underground. Their locations are classified. These bases store a larger amount of military equipment. They have no intention whatsoever of attacking the surface, but if they were to launch an attack for whatever reason, that's where it would come from.

Again, there is no intention of attacking anyone. If there would be something like an alien invasion that threatens Earth, they would likely help. First quietly. If the invading force were judged to be such a threat that the surface would stand no chance and the Thule and Vril would get wiped out too, then you can bet the cavalry would arrive openly.

They see the quiet instance of helping as something along the lines of just being the right thing to do. Like if you saw someone getting beaten up or killed that couldn't defend themselves. The more open case is thinking along the lines of preemptively addressing an issue that could potentially affect them. They feel that the surface population shouldn't rely solely on their help though.

A Vril base is located in Northern Canada. A particular Thule base I'm writing about below is a lot like what all the bases are like including Thule's. The exact location is classified, but is located around the South America area. There's a hidden entrance and it's surprisingly low tech. By that I mean there's literally a keypad with a 5 digit pin number to get in. It's well hidden though, so I guess that's what they're counting on.

The keypad is behind some simulated rock. If you were to stare at the rock formation and look around at all the randomness and nooks and crannies you wouldn't ever find it. You could climb on it and still not find it. It's pretty old too. The keypad interface has been in use since before the WWII days. It's electrical, but there's a manual override in case it breaks down. The simulated rock is shielded, so a metal detector won't find the entrance. The doorway itself is built into natural rock, with more simulated rock around it.

The doorway has a seam down the center and opens into an elevator. There's no cables and it's electromagnetic. It gently releases the passenger compartment until it reaches freefall speed, then gradually slows it down as it reaches the bottom. There's an emergency manual braking lever in case it loses power.

This particular base has a population of about 3,000. The base is nearly a mile underground, about a mile wide, and has three levels. The interior has something like artificial sunlight with simulated day and night cycles. The first level contains the living quarters.

It also has the "market" type area where they exchange their food, as well as the school area, library, and recreational area. Each living quarters has its own full kitchen. There's also a "cafeteria" type area and they have occasional gatherings there.

Level two is where they grow their food and raise their animals. They have all the same fruits and vegetables as the surface, but they seem to be better quality. It could just be from their farming practices, but they're definitely not any of that Monsanto crap. They're not genetically modified at all.

They have cows, pigs, chickens, goats, everything you'd find on a regular farm. The animals are all the same and there's no real difference between them and ones on the surface other than the fact that they're not pumped full of antibiotics and hormones. One possible difference is they may actually be a little hardier because they don't need that stuff. It's probably just because they're raised more responsibly.

One difference between the Thule and Vril is that the Vril lean more towards vegetarianism. Meat isn't completely eliminated. What they will eat is fish. They have something like a bass and salmon. Another difference is their vegetables are more nutritious. They seem like they're more like an ancestor to the vegetables on the surface, but they're still completely recognizable.

The Vril have farm animals, but don't slaughter them. Instead they harvest the milk and eggs and use that. Definitely not veganism. Hides are used for the leather, and the meat is returned to the soil for farming which may contribute to the nutrition of their food.

From what I understand what the Thule food is like is pretty normal. Nothing fancy. Like a wholesome meal you'd find on a farm. I was told that the way the Vril do things is much more bland. The food may be more nutritious, but it's lacking in flavor and spices can only do so much.

They do drink and make their own alcohol. They have beer, wine, and hard liquor. Mostly beer. They tend to think surface beer is better quality with more variety, but they still make their own. The wine they make is from grapes, usually taken from the surface since they take a lot of space to grow and it's more rare.

Apple wine is more common. They tend to gather up the apples that are nearly about to go bad and use them that way. The hard liquor is actually distilled from the beer because that's the type they make the most. They pretty much just distill it into something like moonshine. They don't drink the hard liquor as often and actually store some in case of medical emergencies or other utilitarian use.

Level three contains their military equipment. It has all their weapons, gear, and vehicles. They have anti gravity and their weaponry consists of particle beam weapons. Both handheld rifles and vehicle mounted. They do have old projectile weapons, both in house made and surface guns. They're considered outdated and pretty much just sit on racks rusting.

Their homemade guns are cartridge based. Bigger caliber, but slower velocity. They're heavier and built sturdier and with less parts, but they're a bit less accurate. They have surface guns because they see them as more precise, but they have more parts and require more maintenance. They have their own indoor range and definitely know how to use them.

They have rockets and missiles, but those are considered archaic too. Most of them have been taken apart, but they keep a few around just in case. They have explosives a lot like plastic explosive, but aren't really used in a warfare manner anymore and are used mostly for demolitions or if they need to expand the base.

A big reason they don't use explosives in warfare tactics is because their particle beam weapons can be turned up so that you could literally shoot through cover. There's really not much of a need to flush out the enemy with grenades or anything.

The vehicles are basically like the stereotypical UFO design. Saucer shaped with the dome on top. There's no cloaking, they just tend to hide in clouds or go really fast and hope you don't see them. From what I understand the anti gravity method they employ also negates inertia so they can turn and accelerate at insane speeds without injury.

Both Thule and Vril look almost exactly like this. This is probably the most accurate depiction so far.

The only differences I could point out is the top curvature is symmetrical with the bottom as if it were two plates stuck together. There's no "antenna" on the top, or little dome on the bottom. The shutters on the top dome are more or less accurate.

They can and do travel underwater. There's particle beam weapons on the top and bottom that come out of retractable doors. They don't land, but just hover over the ground even when not in use. They have that stereotypical extending ramp that comes out of the bottom for boarding. It's built the way a collapsible antenna is.

The dome has retractable shutters on it and are kept closed most of the time. The view from the outside is mostly on a screen and navigation is done with instruments. Some of them still have their homebuilt black and white screens, but at least one of them has actually been retrofitted with a consumer grade flat screen TV from the surface. Some of the instrumentation is old. They have an old fashioned compass, and one of those newer bubble ones too. They also have nautical plotting tools. Those aren't really used much and kept as back up just in case.

They do tap into the GPS system and use that. They started out using those GPS navigators for cars at first and would follow along the roads from up high while it was cloudy out. Now days they literally use Google Maps off of a cell phone and I'm not joking. They're starting to lean towards using some custom navigation software though. They're still working the bugs out.

When going off world they basically had to start out using star maps and eyeballing it. Once they mapped out the area better, they were able to start using their computers to help with navigating in space. Thule and Vril often work together, and in these kinds of ventures they would definitely be cooperating in this case.

They've observed colonies in other star systems, but haven't had much interaction with them. Just kind of seeing what's there, making a note of it, then going home. The ships are fast enough to visit 2 or 3 stars and make it home in less than a week. They're not warp drive.

The range of their ships is unlimited in theory by themselves, but a restriction in how far the can travel comes in how much food and water they can take with them. They have an oxygen generator and co2 scrubber on board, so that's covered. Waste is another issue because they're not equipped with an airlock. I was told it's actually pretty ghetto in there. They've turned back before just because they wanted a shower after nearly a week and they were literally having to use garbage bags to store waste.

A funny thing that was mentioned to me is one of their ships actually has one of those hula girls that you put on the dashboard of a car. Another one literally has fuzzy dice on the inside. I'm not joking. They use those little tree air fresheners sometimes too. The interior is airtight so it makes things a bit more pleasant.

They also have what could be considered their "Area 51" section of level three. This is where they keep all their secret stuff that even the rest of the population isn't privy to. There is some speculation that this section may expand into an even more secret level four.

The Vril in particular do dabble in cloning and genetic engineering there on a limited basis. It's still in its infancy, but more advanced that what's officially available on the surface. The reasoning behind this is because their population is limited.

They have to track their genealogy precisely to avoid inbreeding. The cloning and genetic engineering is in case there was some kind of disease outbreak or too many people died for whatever reason and they could alter DNA to keep the gene pool diverse enough.

Level three also contains what you could consider their "utilities". They have their air circulation system that filters the air and is also something like a co2 scrubber. They tap into aquifers to get their water.

This is the weak point where what happens on the surface can affect them. The bases can withstand something like a meteor strike and can basically live down there indefinitely in the event of an apocalypse. However, something like radiation from nuclear war or chemical pollution can seep down from the surface and contaminate the groundwater.

It may not happen immediately, but even if it took 100 years or 1000, it could potentially kill all of them. They can try to filter it out as best they can, but if the surface has been rendered dangerously inhospitable it makes it harder to obtain supplies to keep the filtration going.

This is also where their power station is located and contains a "Free Energy" device that powers the whole facility. This particular device has no moving parts. The bigger you make it, the more power output it has. The one powering their facility is about the size of a car.

The smallest you can make one of those devices and still make it viable is about an inch wide by two inches long. For some reason there's a limit to how small you can make them for it to actually work. It would be possible to power a cell phone with one and have one bulky side sticking out, but it would be massively overpowered and unnecessary.

I would describe the shape as being cylindrical with a flat bottom at one end, while the other end is cone shaped and tapers off. The casing is usually made in one piece with the internals contained within. The flat end is the negative side and the tapered end is the positive. It's kind of like a battery in how it functions that doesn't run out.

Something like this.

The texture and color is a lot like aluminum, but it's not made of aluminum. The device itself requires no maintenance, but it's usually the connections at the ends that need periodic cleaning due to oxidation. It's not corrosion like a car battery tends to do. The cleaning keeps the connections efficient and power output high.

From what I was told the design is actually so stupidly simple that if you saw how it all worked you would say "Why didn't I think of that?" Most people wouldn't even know what it was if they found one dropped on the ground either. There isn't a lot of complicated circuitry or anything. What it really comes down to is precise measurements that need to be scaled up or down according to the size, and the materials you use to construct it.

All of their equipment down there is pretty old. I was told that stuff is older than anyone currently living down there, and was considered old even to their grandparents. It's well built and hasn't broken down at all. It does require maintenance which they keep up on and that may be why it hasn't broken down before.

They also store their archives on this level. They have their library for the general population on level one, and their archived material on level three. Some of it is stored on paper, but also in electronic form. They store a lot of information on glass discs.

They've been doing a lot of work lately trying to get their paper material on them before it all disintegrates because it's pretty old. They're not in a race against time, but you could say they're jogging at least. Some things are still on parchment. Really ancient books too. They're kept in a climate controlled room, but that's still limited in how well it can preserve things. What I was told is these bases are a lot like the Fallout Vaults from the video games. To the point where there are a lot of eerie similarities. Especially when one was dealing with the subject of the water since that's a big issue with them.

Some of them thought that there might have been a Thule or Vril that helped on the design of those games. The lower levels have the more cold industrial feel to them, but the upper level residential area is modern and comfortable like any other house on the surface.

They have a government and the way it's structured is they have a main leader along with a few others that form a council. There isn't a specific number required that forms the council, it's whoever's the most competent and qualified. There isn't an age requirement, but they tend to be older because they have wisdom and experience.

They have teachers, doctors, engineers, scientists, farmers, and military personnel. A few other jobs, but that's the meat of it. They don't really have a dedicated military, but there are designated individuals that do other jobs who take on that role should the need arise. They split the population down the middle into "day shifts" and "night shifts", and they switch roles after a while to keep them all from going insane.

The way they practice medicine isn't that much advanced. There's more of a focus on prevention. They don't have overweight people or anything like that. There is heart disease and cancer, but it tends to happen only way later in life when they are on their way out anyway.

Crime is rare. There are things like theft and murder, but it's few and far between. So much so that they don't have a police force. The population basically polices themselves. They don't have a jail or anything like that. There are societal consequences if someone commits a crime, but it's not lifelong and that's usually enough.

They use gold as currency. The value holds different weight with them. For example, a dozen eggs would cost a gram of gold. That's worth about $40 on the surface at the time of writing this, but it doesn't carry nearly that amount of value there. About the same as the cash value of eggs at a surface grocery store.

One interesting thing I was told is they're big on radio. Pretty much any kind of wireless broadcast from music to television and everything in between. It's kind of like a hobby but more ingrained like something everyone grows up with. They don't have any satellites of their own, but they look at all the signals coming to Earth.

There's a few different ways they lay their dead to rest. Different people choose different methods. Some decide on being buried on the surface. They spend so much time underground, sometimes their entire lives, and it starts to feel like a tomb. Being buried on the surface is like a sense of freedom.

One method is pretty morbid. They grind up the remains. They have to be careful how they bury those who have passed on because people on the surface can't be finding bones and stuff since it starts investigations. The practice of grinding bodies is old and was originally intended so that it could be mixed into the soil for their farming.

Some think that's a bit much, and over time some choose to bury the body whole like in a garden plot and grow the vegetables on top. If there have been a few recent deaths, sometimes the remains are dehydrated after being ground up and stored so they can be used at a later date.

Thule and Vril tend to live longer. From what I understand Thule tend to mature slower and are longer lived. As for the Vril, it's to a lesser extent. They mature at the same rate, and tend to live longer healthier lives as long as they stay away from drugs, smoking, and junk food on the surface.

One interesting fact is that while their technology sounds extremely advanced, it's not as high tech as you might think. For example, they may have antigravity and particle beam weapons, but their computers are surprisingly lacking. Back in the WWII days they were the only ones that had them. They were the only ones for a long time before that in fact, but what we have now far surpasses anything they've ever built.

The speed at which the surface has increased computing speed and memory capacity is astounding. They don't have any supercomputers or anything in their bases, but they have been using consumer grade equipment in recent times. It's far cheaper and easier to just bring in this pre built stuff than keep making manufacturing facilities of their own.

The reason for this is Moore's Law. Whenever computing speed doubles they would basically have to keep building new factory equipment each time which would surpass any value provided by the computers themselves. The way this stuff is manufactured on the surface is seen as wasteful, but they figure it's going to happen anyway so might as well take advantage of it.

In more recent times, they've had more modern computers and some of them have been using PCs their entire lives by now. The only problem is surface built computers aren't made as well and don't last as long. One little factoid I was told was their old computers before they upgraded to surface equipment did in fact have a limited amount of games on them.

There wasn't any Pac Man or anything like that, but they did have something that was almost exactly like Pong. It wasn't called Pong though. They had a brick breaker game like Breakout too. The only other games they had were checkers and chess which are actually pretty ancient games, as well as Backgammon.

I was told when the original 8-bit Nintendo came out it was mind blowing, and there was a ton of variety to the games. Plus they were all in color. All their computer screens were only in black and white. There were no controllers or anything either, only keyboards. One funny thing I was told was how they were wondering why the surface wasn't using that thing for their military equipment or something because of all the processing power it must have.

"They could be flying spaceships with this stuff. Why are they still putting around in internal combustion cars?" One thing about them is since they had been working with an extremely limited amount of processing power and memory space, they've gotten ingenuitive and efficient in how well they code things.

They've learned to do a lot with a little. With all the comparatively crazy amount of extra processing power and memory they have access to now, they don't even know what to do with it all. They've been experimenting with it and whenever they write something the footprint is so tiny. They look at things like Facebook that runs millions of lines of code and think it's ridiculous since it hardly does anything.

They have a different computer language than what's on Earth from my understanding and that may contribute to its efficiency. Both the Thule and Vril started out with separate computer languages and eventually decided they could work together better if they only used one.

The surprising lack of their technological advancement is due to some stagnation from their isolation. They don't really build much stuff because when they build something they build it to last. That's why they don't have airlocks on their ships. They would have to build a whole new one, but the ones they have are already good. The idea of building a new iPhone just for one new feature is absurd.

Another thing is their "Free Energy" device. It's been with them through pretty much their whole history and believe it may be Atlantean tech. The thing about it is they tried to improve upon it but couldn't, so it was like what more could they possibly do?

The limited amount of population kept a lot of new ideas from coming in, plus they had been disregarding everyone on the surface since they seemed so primitive for so long. They saw them with horses and buggies still and didn't figure they could learn anything new or of value from them so why bother.

It just seems like they're really advanced because of their anti gravity and free energy. They're actually pretty low tech.

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