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MIB Enhancements Part 3

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This is another procedure some MIB can get. It's called Hardwiring. This is actually a pretty low tech and crude method, but it's reliable and it works.

A silver (Ag) filament wrap on the outside of the epineurium sheathes the nerves that control the arm and shoulder muscles. It connects to electrodes on the occipital lobe and reads the signals which feeds wirelessly into a quantum A.I. with an anticipatory algorithm and recognition software.

Again, I ain't no doctor so bear with me here. This is the way I understand how it works. The procedure starts much like the Silicon Carbide operation for the bones. This operation can be done simultaneously since the same areas are exposed thus reducing overall recovery time from two procedures into one.

The silver filament is encased in a polyglycolide coating which helps with the ease of placement since the filament is delicate to work with by itself. It's threaded into a 1/2 circle surgical needle.

The nerves of the arm are located and an appropriate length of filament is measured. You start from the bottom and work your way up by wrapping the nerve around the outside. The end of the filament comes prefabricated with a loop to make into a snare with a polyV(3)D(3)-HVDS coating for insulation.

From that point the nerve is wrapped with about 1cm between coils. A second filament is added and wrapped between the first coils. The two ends represent the positive and negative connections and are secured with biocompatible polymer at the end to keep them from unwrapping.

Since the shoulder is also being worked on, an endoscopic tool can be fished under the skin towards the neck area and in between the muscles towards the base of the skull. Using a fluoroscope, the endoscopic tool is used to go through the foramen magnum into the cranium and up to the occipital lobe.

A "payload" which consists of a mesh of intracortical nanoelectrodes is injected inside the area which then opens up and settles on the surface. The tool is retracted and fibrin glue is used to seal the passage and prevent cerebrospinal fluid leakage.

The filament coming from the electrodes is also coated for insulation. The nanocontroller which is smaller than a grain of rice is at the end of it. An operating microscope is used to connect the filament bundle coming from the arms by using a computer controlled heated clamp to "solder" the connections. More coating is applied to insulate them from each other.

After completion, the same protocols for the Silicon Carbide procedure are used to close the wound. The polyglycolide sheathing on the filaments should be dissolved in a maximum of 90 days. The filament then settles into place on the epineurium. After this period, testing can begin.

It gives a jolt to the nerves which gives the arm a "head start" and the person who has this upgrade can then manually "fine tune" the movements and intercept incoming threats while smaller pulses of current ensure an adequate amount of force is used.

Very little equipment is actually contained in the body, only a nanocontroller which is a smaller version of a microcontroller. It acts as a transceiver and a switch system that controls which pulses go to what nerves and the duration. Far-field wireless power transmission is utilized to remove any need for internal storage of electricity.

The recognition software analyzes what the user is seeing such as a person, body part, or weapon. It scans the distance, speed, and body language if applicable. The anticipatory algorithm puts all information together to decide whether or not a threat is imminent and judges what they might be targeting and what their next move might be.

All processing is done on the outside with a wireless connection. The nerve filaments themselves act like built in antennas. It's something like an old mainframe setup, where the terminal you're using doesn't have the processing power but connects to a large computer elsewhere. Data transmission latency and propagation delay is compensated for by transmitting packets via GhostNet. This also allows the A.I. to take it's time processing everything.

Utilizing this technique can turn reaction time into the negative numbers. It typically isn't done this way because it looks like an attack instead of a defense for one, and the other reason is someone who's equipped with this setup may resist the movements if they don't consciously see any oncoming threats.

It's something like Neo in The Matrix when the Agent is trying to punch him and he keeps blocking the blows without looking. Only in this case, you have to look because the A.I. assist is getting information from the occipital lobe directly.

This particular outfitting is a good combination with the Silicon Carbide bone enhancement. It helps to override the natural limiters of the body so you can exert more force and reduces retraining time for being able to do it on your own without it.

After repeated usage, the A.I. can adapt to the body's conditions and carry out more complex actions automatically. This enhancement can theoretically self activate and drag you out of a burning building should you become unconscious or even help make your aim more steady.

Youths, I ask that you do not attempt this procedure at your place of residence.

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